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    Главная » Файлы » Софт » Софт для работы в интернете

    Wipe 2.30 Portable Rus
    [ ] 26.04.2009, 12:58
    Утилита, которая позволяет очистить историю браузера, кеш, файлы index.dat, куки, логи, временные интернет файлы, историю поиска и прочее, т.е. все следы пребывания в сети. И не только их, но и временные файлы Windows, историю поисковых запросов и т.п., причем сделает это так, что восстановить удаленные данные будет уже нельзя.

    Are you worried that someone can see sites you visit? Does your computer keep tonnes of temp files or maintance cache of viewed pictures? Would you like to hide your online/offline secrets and protect your privacy? Wipe - is a free, easy and powerful tool to clear user browsing history, clean index.dat files, remove cookies, cache, logs, delete temporary internet files, autocomplete search history and any other tracks that user leaves after using PC. No user documents deleted, just tracks that computer records about your activity without your permission!

    Tracks preview
    After program start you will see a window with a list that instantly calculates all computer tracks and garbage files, separated by areas. You can double click any item in the list to see what it stores. For example, view cookies or index.dat files. After that you can clear them all or just selected. Try this software free and you will find many many invisible areas in Windows that record your activity in many ways! 

    Smart program support
    Wipe supports clearing tracks in Windows Xp and Vista, in the most popular browsers (IE, FireFox, Opera, Chrome), and in many other programs that you use. Every month new version comes that help Wipe recognize and clear tracks in newly released software. 

    No recovery!
    Wipe includes DODD 5220.22 (Gutmann, Russian GOST) algorithms that makes deleted tracks unrecoverable. Even more! Wipe will shred file names of deleted items so noone will be able even guess what you did on your PC!

    Размер (RAR): 2.06 Мб
    Информация для воссстановления: 2%
    без пароля

    Категория: Софт для работы в интернете | Добавил: (---Дiм@сян777---)
    Просмотров: 580 | Загрузок: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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